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so much has been said about the invicibility and political sagacity of this American born Kenyan. his oratoric grand standing not withstanding, i think that Obama will be a presidential disaster, i have this premonition that Barack Obama will leave America worse off by the end of his term. So who should be America’s President? Hillary Clinton of course.

forget all the media hype and the musical-chair model of the American presidential elections, that guarantees the election of a Democrat after every Repulican President . One on one, John McCain is more an American patriot than Obama.

Something tells me that with Obama in the white house, Islamic anti American stance will assume unimaginable proportion. Hello Americans, shine your eyes, elect Hillary as an independent this November. You think I’m crazy watch and see.

Nigeria @ 48: a State in Advance or Reverse?

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the eighth most populous country in the world with a population of over 140 million. This giant in the sun is not only a regional power but an amorphous monstrosity and a colossus amongst nations, listed among the “Next Eleven” economies of the world. The economy of Nigeria is one of the fastest growing in the world with the International Monetary Fund projecting a growth of 9% in 2008 and 8.3% in 2009. Yet many cynics believe Nigeria is in a reverse. I believe that Nigeria is in an upward move from statehood to nationhood. What’s your thought on this great African state?

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